This is what I know is true...

👉🏽You're hurt

👉🏽You're sad

👉🏽You're angry

👉🏽You're tired

👉🏽You're depressed

👉🏽You feel alone

👉🏽You have lost yourself

👉🏽You feel like no one understands

👉🏽You're tired of looking for answers

Yes, I know exactly why you are here and want you to know that there is someone that understands you. There is someone that knows how it feels to have a child diagnosed with autism but given no hope.

I want you to know that there is someone that has shared your pain in the past that came out on the other side stronger than ever before.

Do you know who that person is? It's me. If you are reading this, I want you to stop and take a deep breath and know that you were sent to this page for a reason. The action you choose to take before you leave this page can change your child's quality of life forever.

Take a deep breath and read on and see how I can help you to help your child!!

Is this your current situation? 

You have not found any long term solutions that are helping to combat your child's:

✔️Picky Eating

✔️Behavioral Problems
✔️Night Waking
✔️Recurring illnesses
✔️Cognitive Delays
✔️Communication Delays
✔️Sensory Processing difficulties

I want to let you in on a little secret..

No one is sharing with you when you receive an autism diagnosis that ...

👉🏽There are external factors that play a major role in your child's quality of life that no one cares to share

👉🏽There is a nutritional piece that was not shared with you that make difference in your child's life

👉🏽There is more you can do to help your child get better

👉🏽There is an epidemic of autism going on and you are not the only one battling the negative behaviors your child is presenting

Here's the deal ....

There are contributing factors that you need to address that will help your child's symptoms improve greatly. 

Your child is currently being overloaded and need your help lowering their overall body burden in order for them to have a better life.

Your child can get better and gain a better quality of life if you are willing to take the necessary action steps to help them get better.

Hi I'm Darolyn!

I’m Darolyn, the creator of this program and I want you to know that using a more nutritional approach has changed everything for my child and the entire family. The results that my child achieved after I decided to NO longer accept “there isn’t anything I can do” to help my child has given us our lives back. Before we all felt like prisoners inside of our home because we were afraid to leave the house not knowing how our child would react to the external environment. Today, I have no worries because my child is thriving in the mainstream with no limitations. He no longer has any of the symptoms that many of you are battling and hasn’t now for many years.

I created The Nutritional Approach Program because I was fed up with the message of “there is more you can do” not being shared. I was fed up with no one informing parents that there are underlying reasons why children are not eating, sleeping, communicating, behaving, and the list goes on. I have had enough and decided it was time for me to do something about it. My mission is to help empower you and teach you what you can do to help your child gain a better quality of life just as I have for my child. 

Remember that I created this program so that you don't have to sit there and watch your child continue to suffer.

Focusing on the root cause of your child's problem will take you from being hopeless to hopeful.

I want to welcome you to join this life changing program today and stop watching your child suffer. Your child needs you to do something now before it's too late. 

 Your child's quality of life matters!!  

Here's how we'll flow in this Online-Based Program

The Nutritional Approach™

This program was created solely by me, someone who knows exactly what you are going through and what you can do about it to help your child gain a better life. It was created to take you through the exact steps you need to take in order for your child to gain a better life. Upon enrollment, you’ll have immediate access to all the content and can go at your own pace through the video lessons learning what you need to do to help your child.  

Join me now on our mission to better understand how we can help our kids reach their fullest potentials!

Module 01.

Module 02.

Module 03.

Module 04.


Module 05.


Module 06.


Hear what parents that have enrolled in this program have to say!!!


"The program is very helpful and user friendly/easy to understand and navigate when you received the diagnosis. Darolyn has experience and enough knowledge to help guide parents. There is so much information available, it becomes overwhelming. She eases the load of learning what to do and also letting you know, everything is going to be ok. She has definitely helped me in more ways than one"
- Natasha

I love how complex information was broken down and explained in a simple manner.
-Autism Mom

This program is amazing. I can't recommend it enough!
“I just spent my afternoon going through this program. If your child is on the spectrum or you know someone who has a child this program is for you!! She has genuinely poured her heart and soul into it, encouraging parents to start fighting for their kids. Her story is absolutely beautiful. Gosh, guys there is so much hope - our bodies are miraculous!!

I have started interacting with the Program and it's been great. I like that it's well-structured and put together. I also like that the videos are not so long.
- Autism Mom

Here's what you can expect after the Program....

By the end of this self-paced program...

-Your child will start to feel better because you will learn exactly what you need to stop doing now

-Your child will be able to sleep better because you will learn exactly what you need to change in order for your child to rest.

-Your child will have decreased tantrums because you will be working to address the root cause of the tantrums which leads to them disappearing.

-Your child health will start to improve because you will learn the culprits to their health decline.

-Your child picky eating will start to improve because you will know what role nutrition plays in picky eating and what you can do to help him or her.

-Your child will be able to socialize more because you will be working on addressing the root cause that is affecting their social skills.

-Your child will have improved focus because you will know exactly which foods are causing the attention/focus problems.

-You will be able to create a simple plan that removes the overwhelm and helps you to stay on track while helping your child.

-Your child will have resolution in all of the other symptoms they might be dealing with because you will be working on addressing the root cause of them.

Join today and get these amazing Bonues!!


In this bonus you will learn about many of the common questions I get asked by parents just starting their journey to a better quality of life.  I will answer some common questions that you might have on your journey.

Let's talk supplements

Let's talk therapies

Let's talk self-care

Let's talk creating healthy meals

Let's talk picky eating

Let's talk tools

Bonus 02.


These bonus downloads will be the key in creating your child's individualized plan. They will help you to understand where to start and how to stay on track.  It includes the steps you need to follow while using The Nutritional Spectrum Framework(TM).

The Nutritional Approach Workbook

What is real food?

Tips for better shopping

Understanding organic and non-gmo


I've answered the most common questions below; for any others, please get in touch.

How long will it take before I see the results?

Every child is different. In some kids, you will see results in a few days, while others could take longer. You have to realize that this is not a sprint; it is a journey to a better quality of life. We oftentimes get discouraged when we don't see instant results but if we stick to it then the results will come. 

Out of all the therapies available, which one did you find the best results?

Nutrition therapy is at the top of my list because it is the foundation on which the other therapies can build. You need to have proper nutrients for the body to function optimally. Leaving out nutrition is one of the reasons why you might not be finding other therapies as beneficial. When you start working to clean up your child's overall body burden starting with nutrition, everything else you are doing will start to become even more beneficial for your child.  

I don’t know anything about nutrition, how will I ever figure this out?

When I first started this journey 9 years ago, I had no clue what I was doing. I started to become obsessed with nutrition after seeing my son's progress. You have to start somewhere, so it’s best to take the leap. This program is all about helping you understand and get started down the path towards helping your child gain a better quality of life. I have included a nutrition module in the program to help you if you have no idea where to start. 

I have tried nutrition changes in the past and didn’t see any benefits?

You might have tried implementing nutrition changes in the past without results because you didn’t have all the key attributes in place to get results. I have seen many parents who give up with the excuse of not seeing results mainly because they weren’t motivated, didn’t have a plan or had the support to get the results they were expecting. This program will provide all of the critical attributes to lead to success in addition to a framework that will help you stay on track.     

Why is nutrition important when it comes to having a better quality of life for my child?

There are so many other therapy options out there to help kids on the autism spectrum; however, most of them fail to focus on nutrition. Nutrition is defined as the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth. Many kids on the autism spectrum have nutritional deficiencies, and feeding them poor quality foods continues to deplete their bodies which is why you see a lot of the negative symptoms leading to poor quality of life. They are also overloaded with toxins and cleaning up their diet will lead to long term success. 

When can I sign up?

You can sign up at any time by clicking this link. As soon as you sign up, you will access the training material and video lessons.

How soon can I get started after I sign up?

You can get started right away. After you have signed up, you will receive an email with access information to the program.  NOTE: You must do the work to see any progress in your child's health. If you don't do the work, you will not make progress.Â